Sunday 31 July 2011


It is narrated in the Hadith that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: There are 99 names of Almighty ALLAH with which we have been commanded to address our supplications to HIM. He who commits them to memory and rehearses them regularly will enter Paradise.

The Method of Rehearsing these beautiful Names

We have numbered every name and mentioned under it its benefits. When you wish to rehearse these beautiful names commence from HU ALLAZi LA ILLAHA ILLAHO AR REHMAN UR RAHEEM and go on rehearsing them till the end. Pronounce the dia critical sign (paish) at the last letter of every name and join it with the next ones but do not join the letter at which you stop to take your breath.IN this case commence the next name with (AL)...For eg..

When you rehearse only one of these Names, begin with the word (YA) .g. AR-REH-MAN-N as YA-AR-REHMAN

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