Wednesday 3 August 2011

Ar-Rahman...02 of 99

He who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings without showing disparity.
If one repeats this name 100 times after each farz (obligatory) prayer will have good memory, a keen awareness and be free of heavy heart.

Behad reham kernay wala.
Jo shaks rozana her namaz k bad 100 martaba YA RAHMAN perhay ga us k dil say INSHALLAH her qism ki sakhti aur ghuflat dore ho jai ge. Aur us ka hafza qavi ho jaye ga.

Allah...01 of 99

This is Allah's proper name on which depends the existence and welfare of the entire universe. He who repeats this name at least 1000 times his heart will be free from doubts and suspicious. If a man suffering from some incurable disease repeats this name many times, then pray to Allah for recovery, he will recover from the disease, by the grace of Allah.

Jo shaks rozana aik hazar martaba YA ALLAH perhay ga INSHALLAH us k dil say tamam shakook o shubhat dore ho jain gay. Aur azm o yaqeen ki quvat naseeb hoge. Jo la ilaj mareez ba-kasrat YA ALLAH ka vird rakhay aur us k bad shifa ki dua mangay usko shifa e kamil naseeb hoge.

Monday 1 August 2011


Religious scholars have related that Allah has three thousand Names. One thousand are only known by angels, 1000 known only by prophets, 300 are in TORAH (Old testament), 300 are in Zabur (Psalms of David), 300 are in the NEw Testament, and 99 are in the Quran. This makes 2,999 Names, One Name which has been hidden by Allah is called Is-mul-laa-hil-a'zam: The greates Name of Allah.

All of Allah's Names are great, but since He has hidden this particular Name it is referred to as the Greates Name. The name is mentioned in the Quran as this Hadis status:

Asma, radiyallahu anha, reports that Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said : "The Greatest Name of Allah" is in these two verses of the Quran, He who is worshipped by you is One Allah, there is no Allah but HIM, the compassionate and the Beneficent (sura ii,163); also is in the first part of sura Aa-li Imran, Alif Lam Mim - Allah, there is no God but Him, the Alive, the self subsisting."

Aisha, radiyallahu anha, mentioned that YA RAB (Oh Lord) is the Greatest Name.

Whoever reads the Quran must have read the Greatest name of Allah, pobably without knowing it. Some of the companions of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, knew the Name. Ali Karramallahu wajhahu (the fourth caliph(, may Allah exalt him, was one who knew the Greatest name.

Sunday 31 July 2011


It is narrated in the Hadith that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: There are 99 names of Almighty ALLAH with which we have been commanded to address our supplications to HIM. He who commits them to memory and rehearses them regularly will enter Paradise.

The Method of Rehearsing these beautiful Names

We have numbered every name and mentioned under it its benefits. When you wish to rehearse these beautiful names commence from HU ALLAZi LA ILLAHA ILLAHO AR REHMAN UR RAHEEM and go on rehearsing them till the end. Pronounce the dia critical sign (paish) at the last letter of every name and join it with the next ones but do not join the letter at which you stop to take your breath.IN this case commence the next name with (AL)...For eg..

When you rehearse only one of these Names, begin with the word (YA) .g. AR-REH-MAN-N as YA-AR-REHMAN